
Showing posts from February, 2013

My timing's always off.

There are a few things I am not to be trusted with. The first is directions. I have gotten lost on a straight road. Relying on me fot directions is a sure fire way to get lost. The second is timing and estimating hoe long things take. Which happened when I talked about self publishing at the end of this month. I'm not even going to guess how long it will be so lets just say it's delayed a little while. Also I'm going for a job I really, really want so wish me luck.

The self publishing experiment.

So I'm going to do something a little bit mad. You see, I'm very curious about self-publishing and ebooks. I read mostly ebooks. Don't get me wrong, I still love me the feel of glued dead-tree in my hands. Nothing smells as good as a room full of books. Ebooks are quick and easy and I devour them whole without having to worry about conserving them until I'll be able to get to the bookshop or library next. I also want to test my writing. I want to take the plunge and see how people react. So I'm going to either commission an artist or buy some stock photos for a cover, get someone else to take a look at it and release a short story at the end of the month. I have no idea how this is going to go. None. But I am going to track it and reveal how it's going here every month. I have a short story lined up. The one I have chosen has potential for a series if it goes well but it stands alone well enough. Hopefully it won't all blow up in my face.