
Showing posts from October, 2012

Spending a day without words.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Halloween is my favourite holiday. With sweets and costumes, what's not to love! I sadly won't be dressing up this year. At least not excessively. I might give myself peacock eyes or something. I'm on sweet duty this year. Can't wait to see all the cute costumes. The other thing is that tomorrow is the start of NaNoWriMo. Tomorrow. It got near scary fast. I've decided to not write anything today even though I'm itching to go. It's hard. Harder than I thought. I've spent the last few weeks writing every day I can and it's built up a habit. That's good. It's half ten in the morning and I want to write. I have my novel all planned and plotted. I know my characters. They are asking me to write them. I know my world. It wants me to go explore. So why take today off? Nano is 50,000 words and I'm worried about burn out if I do too much too soon. The goal is definitely do-able. To get it done I need to write 1,667 words w...

I promise I still exist.

Things have been hectic. Beyond hectic. I went to Gran Canaria. It was sooooo hot. Forty degrees. My pale Irish skin was not made for that. I melted. I went to Rome. Rome was lovely. It even rained one day and I felt like I was home. Only a really pretty version of home. Here. Have a picture of Rome. Posing much? I have pictures of Gran Canaria...but it was a drunken, sun-stricken mess of a holiday with the girls so I'll think keep those to myself. Not because I'm a horrible mess in them. No no no. It's for the greater good.  So instead I give you a cat. It's the internet. So cat. Roman cat. I have been writing (Good girl) but not blogging (Bad girl). I got a smart phone finally. The reason it took so long is because I love buttons.  I'm doing NANOWRIMO. Super excited. I even get to meet other writers! I have my idea fully fleshed out and am now counting done the days until I get to start.  To bind the time I'm working on another p...