Progress report and insecurity

So, first off, writing's going wonderful. I'm taking part in word wars and the like on twitter and, as I'm a competitive person, it works for me. I joined a forum for writers and am learning so much. Short stories are coming fast and easy. The novel is stalled again but not because I don't know what's coming yet. In fact, I'm excited about it. I just a break from that world for a few days so I can get hyped about it. My excitement about it will grow and writing it will be a reward instead of a chore. I think short stories will sharpen my skill for the novel also. Some of them tie into the story and I may leave one at the end of it. It isn't needed for the story but it's a neat little story that is concluded in the main. All very good.
Grade: B

The not so good is all the drama that's going on. So many authors have decided that reviews need punishment or something for reviewing them badly or ignoring them. I won't give links to the sites in question. I don't believe in giving these people any more attention that they have already stolen. It's chased away at least one reviewer, forcing her to delete her blog and turned many other reviewers to be turned off excepting self-published/indie  works. That's a shame but I can understand it. For many of these bloggers, reviewing is a hobby and they don't need to feel threatened for voicing there opinions. I won't go into the amount of girl-bashing that's going on either but the whole thing is very upsetting.

I was planning on self publishing. I wasn't going into it lightly. I did my research, I knew my chances. I also have a background that makes me willing and able to write tight and market all on my lonesome. (Not that I won't be hiring an editor anyway when all is said and done.)
 Now, I'm not so sure.
 These authors have turned readers against the whole area in general. I can't say how many but I don't want to be lumped in with them and start with even more of a disadvantage than other debut author. I'm going to think some more about it. Maybe I'll try some shorts in magazines/e-zines first and self-publish a collection of them I'm happy with.

Have any of you been affected by the general dickiness that's going on? Have you thoughts on self-publishing?


  1. Ugh. I was unaware of this, but the thought of it makes me sick.

    What's the point of having reviewers when they can't give their honest opinion? People reading reviews would stop reading them because then they wouldn't actually be worth anything.


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